AO Rafting featured at California Academy of Sciences!
Posted April 12, 2009 by MalinaAll-Outdoors is featured in an exhibit on Climate Change at the California Academy of Sciences in San Francisco’s Golden Gate Park! We’ve known about this for some time but for some reason never thought to mention it to you, dear reader.
A few weeks ago our reservation staff took a fun day to go check it out. Roxanne reports on what they found:
Recently our Reservation staff decided to take a day off from answering phones and venture into San Francisco to visit the new location of the California Academy of Sciences museum. This wasn’t just any ordinary field trip but rather to see something very exciting… an exhibit featuring a commentary by three generations of the All-Outdoors family: George, Gregg and Brendon Armstrong!
In the exhibit, Altered State: Climate Change in California, various members of the rafting, skiing, and adventure sports community talk about and explore the dangerous effects of climate change in California. Did you know that the Alpine glaciers and winter snow in the Sierra’s provides at least two-thirds of California’s water supply?! Warmer temperatures are melting these glaciers and snowfields as a result affect our agricultural practices, recreation, drinking water needs, and other water use.
We walked away from this exhibit feeling not only proud of All-Outdoors’ contribution to this project, but it also inspired to continue our efforts to protect the natural water resources in California.
After taking turns switching between cameras to get some good shots of the staff in front of the exhibit, we took off to explore the rest of the museum which includes an aquarium, planetarium, 4-story rainforest within a 90-foot diameter glass dome, aviary, and living roof terrace. If you don’t get the opportunity to visit the Cal Academy, don’t worry, we took some pictures along the way to share with you on our Facebook picture gallery.