It’s quite common for guests to get the outdoor activity bug after a day of whitewater rafting. A drive up I-80 from any of the three forks of the American River will land you in a hub of Northern California recreation opportunities: North Lake Tahoe!
What do you know about the South Fork American River beyond the rapids? Discover where the river’s water originates, where it flows after the whitewater, and the experiences it offers along the way.
From fire, to high water, to a global pandemic – All-Outdoors has faced it all. We believe that every challenge is a lesson learned. Here’s some of what we have learned over the past decade.
Wrap, surf, dumptruck… These everyday terms can mean something quite different to a whitewater rafter. Find out why, and learn about some more river moves and scenarios.
The two most popular destinations for white water rafting in California: a side-by-side comparison of the South Fork and the Middle Fork of the American River. Which river will you choose?
Apart from the fact that it’s pretty fun to pronounce, what actually is Ruck-a-Chucky? Let’s explore all the different namesakes on and around the Middle Fork American River.
The incomparable Upper Tuolumne River, more commonly known as Cherry Creek, boasts more than 20 unforgettable Class 4 & 5 rapids. Let’s look at the top five that made our list.
The whitewater community recognizes the Tuolumne as California’s premier river rafting destination. But do you know much about where the river you rafted on originates and where it continues past the take-out spot? Let’s find out!
Known as the “Jewel of the Sierra,” and conveniently just an hour’s drive from your rafting trip on the American River, Lake Tahoe makes for a stunning addition to your whitewater adventure. Check out our recommendations!
The South Fork of the American River valley has more to offer besides whitewater rafting: it is full of hiking trails, swimming holes, and amazing views. Check out a few of our favorite trails to explore before or after your trip.
Did you know that rafting on California rivers immerses you directly into the rich history of the Golden State? Let’s take a field RIVER trip!
Up close and personal – this firsthand account of what it is like to raft the Goodwin Canyon lets you in on some of the surprises waiting for us on this unique river each October.
Whether it is your first trip or your hundredth trip, falling out of the raft and into the river is always something that is bouncing around in the back of your head when rafting. So how do you prevent falling out of the raft?
Listen to our guide Emma as she provides some tips on what to wear and how to gear up for a summertime rafting trip so that you can enjoy your day on the river in maximum comfort, and in style!
One of the best wilderness rafting rivers in California, the Middle Fork of the American features world-famous Class 3 and 4 rapids inside a remote 2000-foot deep canyon. Come along, as we explore the top 5 rapids…
The South Fork is easy to get to, has a long season, and a whole lot of fun whitewater which actually makes choosing the 5 best rapids difficult! Listen and watch the countdown of the top 5 drops on this iconic river.
If you have your eyes set on rafting Goodwin Canyon, take notes as All-Outdoors owner Scott Armstrong gives tips on how to successfully run Goodwin’s two best and biggest rapids.
Our guests often ask us the question, “Where did the name All-Outdoors come from?” It is a good question and one that deserves to be answered.
Listen to All-Outdoors owner Gregg Armstrong tell the story of how the family got hooked on whitewater rafting back in the 1960’s, how the family keeps growing the rafting business, and how the rafting business keeps growing the family.
All-Outdoors founder George Armstrong reflects on 59 years of lessons learned from California rivers.
When George, now 94 years old, stepped off shore and into his little raft on the Stanislaus River, he had no idea what he was getting into. George and his group spent more time in the river than in the […]
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