California River Guide School 2013

Posted June 11, 2013 by Malina

Are you such a maniac for rivers that you have the river classification scale tattooed around your biceps and use a thole pin as a decorative door stop?  Wait, what’s a thole pin you ask?

equipmentAh, well my friend, it’s time you think about going to our annual Beginning River Guide School and find out!  Over one river-saturated week with your good buddies at AO Rafting, you will spend hour upon hour learning such things as what an eddy fence is (hint, you can’t paint it and it won’t keep the deer out), how to recognize boil lines (uh, no, it won’t get your pasta al dente) and how a “super boney fish flow” will affect your day on the water (it won’t add extra omegas to your diet, but it may make you late for lunch).   All this and more will be revealed over early morning cowboy coffee, long days on the water, and longer nights around the campfire.

Completing our whitewater guide school is the first step–though no guarantee–of getting work as a professional river guide.  Or, it would make one heck of stinky but fun adventure vacation!  Either way, you will have a ball and learn a lot.  Including that a river classification tattoo is a terrible idea although it may motivate someone to buy you a beer at the Coloma Club at the end of the week, and hey, a free beer is a free beer, even if it’s out of pity.

Guide School runs June 18-June 24 2013 in Lotus, California.  If you’re interested start by checking out the details on our website, (with info on cost, learning objectives, possibility of post-school employment etc . . . ) and then filling out our rafting guide school enrollment questionnaire.

(above: There are 10 thole pins in this photo . . . can you find them???)


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