Cherry Creek Rafting 2010!

Posted July 20, 2010 by Malina

It’s official! Cherry Creek is open for business.  After a series of training trips we had our first commercial trip of the season on Sunday and although I wasn’t there (I am not allowed), I have heard a story or two and it sounds like it was  a day of high adventure, lightning reflexes, and good old-fashioned fun.  If, of course, your definition of fun is a mile of solid class V whitewater, constant paddling, and death-defying maneuvering.  And I know for lots of you–especially our beloved die-hard fans–that is EXACTLY your definition of fun.   So,  you’ll be happy to know we are seriously busy on Cherry Creek this year–lots of memories gonna get made.   Of course this means I won’t see hide nor hair of my husband until September, so hope all y’all get to enjoy his company!  🙂


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