Colin L: River Guide

Posted October 9, 2009 by Malina

colin_katieE09Where to start here with Colin?  The organic garden in a bathtub?  No, too typical.  Doesn’t set him apart.  Maybe the work with the orphanage in Nicaragua?  eh.  Again, nothing new there–so many people do that stuff.  The irrigation system powered by old bicyle parts?  yawn.   I give up.  So on with the rafting–fondly called The Hatchet, Colin is one of our trusted guide trainers,  a disciplined and serious crafter of whitewater professionals.  In fact, as you can see from the portrait above (Colin is in the middle), The Hatchet takes “professional” behavior seriously–so much so that sometimes we office people have to remind him to loosen up and enjoy the job…..  


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