Fast and Furious! Whitewater Guide School

Posted June 8, 2011 by Malina

Our 2011 whitewater guide school starts next week!  We’ve had a record number of applicants this year (we actually have a waiting list!  What are we, the Ivy Leagues??!!) and are super excited to meet everyone when they arrive.  We have folks who want to work as professional river guides, a few who want to brush up on their skills for private boating adventures, and even one or two people who already work for AO rafting but are ready to transition into river guides!  Should be a great mix…………and it looks like they’ll even get some great weather!  For awhile there it seemed like our summer session was going to look like the spring schools of yore with grey skies, rainy days and perma-damp sleeping bags.  Oh those were the days…….ah I remember them well.  And then I went into the office, set up my desk, and never looked back!

(Above: learning rope skills with Grand Master John V. Below: whitewater guide school and the art of relaxation)


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