Happy New Year, AO River Peeps!

Posted December 31, 2009 by Malina

2010Oh how the time flies…….another set of baby-photo Christmas cards on the wall (we have some seriously cute future guides out there!), updates from guides near and far (starry-eyed and otherwise), candy wrappers pilin’ up in the corners of the office, and of course lots of talk about the season past and the one about to start. I’m not ready–I don’t even have a new calendar yet!

We don’t have an official early snowpack or flow report for you  (look for that soon though) but we’re excited about rumors of el Nino…….which gets visions of a high water spring and whitewater madness swirling in everyone’s minds…..

So happy new year everyone–from our 500 (yay!) fans on FB, to our twitter followers, blog-champagnereaders, frequent floaters, friends, family and beloved guides off on winter adventures!  We’ll be toasting to a great year of rafting from Cafe Mahjaic tonight!  wooooo-hooooooooooooooo!


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