Hot weather and even hotter Neoprene

Posted June 27, 2011 by Malina

Here we are fryin’ eggs on the sidewalk and we’re still requiring wetsuits?  Everyone is getting out the heavy-duty SPF and we’re suggesting you bury your perfect pedi under some dark black neoprene booties?  What are we thinking?

It does seem counter-intuitive that we still require proper cold water rafting gear now that the weather has heated up and summer is officially here.

So what gives?  The deal is that when it comes to wetsuits, we’re concerned with the temperature of the water, not the temperature of the air.  Trust us, even though it’s blazing, the heat of the air does little to ratchet up the temperature of the water, which–don’t forget–was snow and ice like 45 minutes ago.   And you’re rafting, not sunbathing, so you’re going to be getting splashed all day long.  Your feet are going to be drenched constantly, so wool socks or neoprene booties are crucial unless you fancy the look of frostbite, which, I’m told by local fashionistas, is NOT one of the pedicure trends of summer 2011.

The other thing to remember is that you can fall out of the boat and take an unplanned swim while rafting–quite  a shock without a westuit when flows are high and the water is freezing. Just say no to Hypothermia (yes, it’s real, and no, you don’t want to experience it)! 

So yes, wetuits are still required–but at least they’re thin neoprene; you can be thankful you don’t have to be bundled up in sealskin and fur, right?!  I mean, this little guy is absolutely adorable, but he is definitely not “river ready.”


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