Late July Rafting Update

Posted July 27, 2010 by Malina

With the North Stan, North Fork American, Cal Salmon, Merced, and Kaweah Rivers but a distant memory, what’s a white water enthusiast to do?  Fold your cards, throw in the towel and head to the Lower American River for a boozy and soggy-sandwich filled float that ends with acid-reflux and a sunburn?  Not to bash that dream, but come on, there are better ideas out there.  The South and Middle Forks of the American the Tuolumne Rivers, thank you very much!

The South Fork is of course the family trip par excellence–fun rapids, not too long, not too short, and just exciting enough.  The Middle Fork is a step up with more miles, a more remote canyon, and higher adrenaline rapids.  Two-day trips there are AMAZING because the river is so close to civilization but seriously feels a world apart.  The  Tuolumne River is even more remote and  step higher in the difficulty dept as well.  A beautiful canyon, stunning water, and lots of wildlife.  Plus, it’s just near Yosemite if you want to do some world-class camping and try your luck hiding food  from crafty bears.   Then there’s Cherry creek, which is actually the upper section of the Tuolumne River.  I hardly think I need to tell you that the Creek is the most challenging  commercial river trip in California, if not the United States.  Yeah, we’re pretty hard-core like that.

How’s that soggy sammy and gentle float sounding now?

(Above: fun with shoulder dislocation and cooler…….or…………….now that’s a way to relax right there!)


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