Rafters and River Lovers: Save Historic Marshall Park!

Posted August 28, 2009 by Malina

headerIf you’ve ever rafted the South Fork of the American River you’ve floated right past–or just downstream of Marshall Gold Discovery State Park.  The park is on the closure list because of budget cuts.

I realize the bottom line is the bottom line, but give me a break–this is WHERE GOLD WAS DISCOVERED.  It’s why we’re the “Golden State.”  It’s why our motto is “Eureka!”  It’s not because someone found lead, or timber, or Hollywood–it’s because a certain someone found GOLD.  Right here in the Coloma valley.

Is this really how much we value our history in this state?  Honestly?  The discovery of Gold didn’t just set off the Gold Rush–it started the settlement of the entire Western United States.  It was a significant moment not just for our country but for the world.   Why is Chile bar called that?  Hello.

Here’s a link to a website with info on what you can do to help prevent the park’s closure.   If this thumbgeneratematters to you at all call your representatives and ask them how they can justify the closure of this, of all,  parks.  http://www.keepsuttersmillopen.org/


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