Rafting Amongst Family and Friends

Posted August 22, 2012 by cameron

Trips with family and friends are fun. There’s a boat (or maybe two) of you floating down the river, splashing around, laughing through rapids. But what happens when you get the whole clan together?

This past weekend a group of 30 lively folks (all friends and family) booked a charter trip with us down the lower “gorge” section of the South Fork American River to celebrate a 50th birthday. The result was a cacophony of wild fun. When there are 4 rafts full of people who know each other, the number of laughs (and splash fights) seems to grow exponentially. We splash-battled each other, teamed up against the rafts of other companies, and I caught one epic, well-placed jet of water from a pump squirt-gun to my right ear. And at lunch we had a legendary cookie challenge.

The lesson I learned: more people = more fun.

So grab your friends (even the ones you don’t like that much) and your family (even weird Uncle Archibald), and come splash-fight your way down the river with us. I’ll be happy to join you.


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