Snowpack Update… LOTUS!

Posted December 11, 2009 by Malina

What a week for us here in the snowy alps of California–uh, I mean the sierra foothills!  We got slammed Monday with the largest snowfall I think this valley has ever seen.   We got over 6 inches and there is STILL snow out there.  Many people had to chainsaw their way out of their driveways and even the major roads still have trees down and partly blocking the way.  Some folks just got power back yesterday!  Luckily we at AO are hardy types who can rustle up campstoves and melt snow for showers in chickie pails out in the front yard……

I’ll get some photos posted just as soon as I remember to bring my camera to work with me, but for now I’ll give you the update that while most everything manmade around here is still standing a LOT –and I mean A LOT– of trees are not.  As the snow piled up higher and higher it was too much for many of our live oaks and they snapped like toothpicks–you could hear them cracking and breaking on the hillsides–and sometimes right next door.  Or on top of the garage, or two inches away from your truck, or right on top of your trailer……..yikes, alas.   A couple of us walked down to the River Office to see how things were going on Monday and moved some AO buses away from the trees.  I think we lost a windshield and a tree fell on a bunch of boats (they’re ok!) but we’re grateful to have emerged all but unscathed.  Lots of trees down everwhere you look, but it could have been worse.  The gold-rush barn across the street is still standing which is a relief!  And Cafe Mahjaic is ok, too.

Does this mean we’re headed for a spectacular snowpack this winter??  We certainly hope so.


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