Terror near the BBQ

Posted July 18, 2013 by Malina

2538450992_43e7efeb7cYou know, the scariest (in a good way of course) part of your rafting trip really should be the moment just before you head into a long rapid like Meatgrinder on the South Fork or when you feel like you’re going to drop off the face of earth when you hear the “get down” command above tunnel Chute on the Middle Fork…..but if you use aerosol sunscreen spray, the biggest shocker may actually be the seemingly innocent act of applying your SPF! 

I just read a report about how spray-on sunscreens can actually burst into a fireball if they don’t dry enough before you get near an open flame….or a BBQ!  Now there’s a risk your mama never warned you about.  So before sidling up to the grill master on your next multi-day river trip, make sure your sunscreen is good and dry so you leave the thrills on river where they belong!


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