Family Rafting Trips

Posted August 1, 2011 by Malina

If the shine has worn off Angry Birds,  your kids are complaining that it’s too hot to shoot hoops, and everyone is depressed that Harry Potter is over, it’s time to plan a family rafting trip!  How many activities are actually fun for you and your pre-teen and your teenager and the kid who’s back from college for the summer?  Yes, chowing down a vat of ice-cream is a possibility, but of course we like to suggest a family rafting trip, big shocker there.

Seriously though, we get letters all summer long from parents telling us how great it was to spend time with their kids in an atmosphere that was fun for everyone and how surprised they were that no one complained about missing Facebook or wanting their play station or whatever for an entire day!

We know that some families have been waiting for water flows to return to normal to book their trip–if this is you, wait no more!  Flows are back to basics.  We’re taking kids as young as 8 on the South Fork of the American, and the Middle Fork of the American is great for Jr Highers.  Flows are also down on the Tuolumne enough that we’re taking young teenagers so you have tons of options depending on where you live and how long of a trip you want to take!  Give us a ring and we can answer whatever kid-related questions you may have.  Just do it soon before school starts up and everyone is buried in homework…….


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