The 'AO Weekly: Company News and Entertaining Stories' Category Archive

AO Rafting featured at California Academy of Sciences!

All-Outdoors is featured in an exhibit on Climate Change at the California Academy of Sciences in San Francisco’s Golden Gate Park!  We’ve known about this for some time but for some reason never thought to mention it to you, dear reader. A […]

  Published April 12th, 2009

Annual AO Baby Day 2008

Cupid’s summer home must be the clouds above our River Office because we have some serious love goin’ on around here, love that has turned into over 20 AO marriages, and a veritable pre-school of future river guides. Veteran guide […]

  Published February 11th, 2008

Experimenting with Inflatable Kayaks on the Tuolumne River

For a long time now, All Outdoors has been providing inflatable kayaks for our guests on Middle Fork American River 2 and 3-day trips. “Duckies,” as we sometimes affectionately call them, are a great way for people to try out […]

  Published July 27th, 2007

Celebrities Are People Too: The Armstrongs Wear Orange America’s Cup Lifejackets!

Anyone ever read those horrible celebrity gossip magazines and see the pages where they try and make people feel just a little less average by taking pictures of really cool famous people doing everyday things, like drinking a Starbucks? Well […]

  Published July 21st, 2007

Cherry Creek and the Tuolumne River… Combined!

All-Outdoors just expanded our business on the Tuolumne River and Cherry Creek, which means we have twice as many available rafting trips up there and, even better, some new ones! With all those launch dates to choose from, and with […]

  Published April 24th, 2007

Association of Future American River Raft Guides, Annual Meeting 2007

All-Outdoors’ Next Generation; from left to right: “Hootie” Dunkle: President; Hayden Hennicke: Vice President; Jordan Freer, VP Face-Making; Wyatt Pope: Social Chair and Devoted Husband; Myra Pittman: Director of All Mischeivious Plots The Association of Future Raft Guides met on […]

  Published January 30th, 2007

AO Gives Our Most-Frequent Floaters a Chance to Get To Know Each Other

We’ve talked about it for years, saying what a shame it was that “Bob” and “Joe” have never been on the same trip together, because they’re both pretty neat guys and apparently love rafting almost as much as we do. […]

  Published October 1st, 2006

A New Generation of Cherry Creek Guides Stepping It Up

Cherry Creek… fourteen Class V rapids, 200 feet of elevation lost in one mile… one of the most intimidating and exhilerating rivers to raft on. And that’s if you’re paddling. The thought of having to make all the decisions of […]

  Published September 6th, 2006

The Boat That Wouldn’t Budge

Wrap (n): The less-than-ideal situation in which a boat is held against a rock or boulder in the river for an indeterminant amount of time by the force of the current. When I and seven other guides got to the […]

  Published July 14th, 2006

Raft Naked?

It’s Spring Break. Not that you’d know it with the gray clouds, peals of thunder, and muddy puddle of a front yard we have here at the River Office in Lotus. Am I sitting on a beach in Cancun? Sipping […]

  Published April 5th, 2006

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