The 'South Fork American' Category Archive

From class III to Class IV: the South Fork of the American outgrows its britches!

The South Fork of the American River is looking a little different these days, a wee self-impressed, even a little boastful.  For those of you who think you already know the South Fork, think again.  The standard flow during the summer months, which […]

  Published June 22nd, 2011

Sunny Skies and South Fork Raftin’

Shore don’t feel like winter ’round these parts.  Skies have been blue, daffodils are starting to poke their heads up, and the hills are turning green.  Perfect time to remind you that we offer year ’round rafting on the South […]

  Published February 7th, 2011

Six degrees of Claus in Coloma

So the weather outside is frightful……….but we know you still miss the river.  And while you may not be hankering for a wild and windy river trip (although we would take you, we’re crazy like that), you might still want […]

  Published December 10th, 2010

Nothing says Thanksgiving like Neoprene.

Ahhhh Fall……………..the turning leaves, the calling geese, the old Halloween candy wrappers littering the office and………the warm balmy days and weekend rafting trips?  Yes, it’s true.  Here we are in November and still the rafters keep coming! Yes yes we may have […]

  Published November 8th, 2010

And then there was one.

Well, it’s happened.  You’ve seen another California rafting season wear down to brass tacks.  The Middle Fork has joined its bretheren at the river retirement home and now only the brave South Fork of the American soldiers on. We admit it–there’s […]

  Published October 12th, 2010

American River Trail Open for Business!

Very exciting news for hikers, walkers, ramblers and trail riders!!!!!!  The American River Trail, organized by the American River Conservancy is officially open–as of TODAY. The trail runs on Conservancy-protected land from the Coloma-Lotus Valley all the way to Salmon […]

  Published October 1st, 2010

South Fork Float Trips

We spend a lot of time extolling the virtues of heart-pounding, eyeball-obliterating, endurance-testing whitewater.  Class five nutsos–we have you covered! But what if you have young kids?  Or you want to lower, not raise your heart rate?  What of the unsung […]

  Published September 1st, 2010

How ’bout a little grape stompin’ with your paddlin’?

How’s this for a biathlon of fun?  Come up for an American River rafting trip this Saturday, have a tasty dinner at Marco’s Pizza or Cafe Mahjaic (well, eat where you want, I’m just giving a little advice as a […]

  Published August 17th, 2010

Family Rafting Trips and Nature Activities for Kids

Here at our home-base on the South Fork of the American River we take lots of families with younger kids because the South Fork’s class III rapids are a great introduction to the sport.  Plus, we know from the letters we […]

  Published August 2nd, 2010

Late July Rafting Update

With the North Stan, North Fork American, Cal Salmon, Merced, and Kaweah Rivers but a distant memory, what’s a white water enthusiast to do?  Fold your cards, throw in the towel and head to the Lower American River for a boozy and soggy-sandwich filled […]

  Published July 27th, 2010

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